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The paladin and the monk


10/25/2012 1:52:00 PM

Once upon a time... Oh wait, it's no fairy tale, it's about war and

And dwarves, too.

So, after testing the starting zone of the Pandaren with a free acount
(so only playing the panda until level 12 and his arrival in Storwmind),
I decided to reactivate my account, buy MoP and try a monk.

The game was already updated, due to the testing with the free account,
so it was quick : pay for a month, pay for MoP online, logout and log in
game, et voilà.

I started with a dwarf, and sent a rez to a friend, who is know questing
with me.

We are doing a lot of dungeons, he as a paladin healer and me as a monk
tank. Our first one was the Deadmines, with another friend and his
hunter. Yes, only three, level 10, 11 and 12 in the Deadmines. The canon
at the start was very useful to kill groups of mobs, because with our low
levels (orange mobs), we had some troubles.

We used it for the first boss, too, and then we had to reach the ship to
have other canon, but used it again for the worgen boss.

At this point, everyone had won one or two level, and we killed the
dreadfull defias caïd, Cookie.

For the following dungeons, we were only my paladin healer and myself,
and doing it at the right level. Stockades, Wailing Caverns, Blackfathom
Deeps, the Kraul, Uldaman, no problem. Some boss fights were long,
because our DPS was not tremendous. But we did it. The first boss to stop
us was the last satyre in the east wing of Diremaul. He was orange for
me, and was doing too much damage to my level 38 monk.

We did some other dungeons in LFG together (or alone). Not the same.

For now I have not seen many of Pandaria, only the first village Alliance
side with my paladin. I like the tank monk, and will try another spec if
I remember to ask my monk master about the double spec.