Catriona R
1/18/2012 2:22:00 PM
On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 13:19:50 +0000, Steve Kaye
<> wrote:
>On Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:55:29 +0000, Catriona R
><> wrote:
>>If you care about
>>security enough to consider using capitals in a password then you
>>obviously possess a brain, will use a long string of letters, numbers,
>I don't think that that's necessarily true. I can imagine some people
>using capitals without numbers or symbols - my Mum for one :P
Heh, well, I'm assuming most folk would use numbers rather than
capitals - it never actually occurred to me for many years that
passwords *could* be case sensitive, since websites aren't, email
addresses aren't, etc etc, so I just never used capitals (I now have
them on a few of my more important passwords)
>>and use an authenticator which makes the password irrelevant
>>anyway (if someone gets past the authenticator either it's
>>man-in-the-middle, meaning they keylogged your password too, or they
>>tricked Blizz into removing it, meaning they could've got your
>>password just as easily). So, what difference does it actually make?
>It makes no difference if you have an authenticator. I have an
>authenticator so I don't really care that they don't distinguish
>between upper and lower case.
Yeah that's why I'm finding it hard to understand why this is a big
deal :-)
>>I'd have more of a problem if they didn't offer an authenticator, yes
>>(like my bank, who I'm always shouting at when they ask for feedback;
>>it's pathetic that my virtual money is more secure than my real
>I'd strongly consider moving my bank account if I were you. Some
>banks even handle changing your direct debits and standing orders for
>you so all you'd need to do is contact people who pay you to change
>the account details that they have.
I would if it wasn't for the fact that I'm on disability benefits. Any
time I've ever changed anything relating to payments, address, etc,
the DSS stop paying me for weeks/months while they check it out. One
time they even randomly (connected to no change I'd made) started
paying my money into my parents' account (my parents had NEVER
received my money: it went into my own account right from the start).
So you can probably understand that I don't trust them any more and
just will not ever change anything I can possibly avoid, in the hopes
of actually still getting my money to pay the bills with...
Plus the bank *claims* its security meausres are good enough that an
authenticator is unnecessary, they reckon they have some kind of login
pattern checking or somesuch and they do have an extra key beyond the
password. I'm sceptical but it's better than nothing, I guess. Still
think WoW is more secure though.
Sagart (85 Undead Priest) Tairbh (85 Tauren Druid)
Buinne (85 Troll Shaman) Eilnich (85 Blood Elf Warlock)
Ruire (85 Blood Elf Paladin) Balgair (82 Human Rogue)
Dubh (80 Orc Death Knight) Rosad (73 Human Warlock)