Catriona R
1/3/2012 4:55:00 AM
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 19:41:14 -0800 (PST), Cryptoengineer
<> wrote:
>.... I'm kind of annoyed by the LFR 25 man PUGs that were introduced
>in 4.3. They run seriously nerfed versions of the end-game content,
>and provide loot inferior to that which can be bought with Valor
In which case, they're no threat to "proper" raids for people who
prefer that playstyle.
>In the past, seeing end-game content early required membership in a
>good raiding guild (since pug 25 mans usually failed, hard). End game
>was reserved as a reward for those that could work in a team, and
>spend time and effort to learn a series of encounters.
Yep, it was restricted to those who had time and willingness to commit
to an extended schedule of raiding (every week, same time, oh, tough
if you work awkward shifts/have outside interests that clash
occasionally), being in a large guild of people they possibly didn't
particularly like, all to experience endgame content. Those of us who
weren't willing to make that commitment never got to see storylines
complete, or great scenery and designs, basically meaning large
amounts of design time were only seen by a fraction of the population,
wasteful to say the least. I'm sure I've seen stats in the past saying
only 1% of the population got to see endbosses in some expansions.
What a waste, both of designers' time and of really good content, for
it to hardly be seen by anybody.
>Now anyone with a decent gear level can take down Deathwing, and the
>achievement just seems cheapened.
>Anyone else see it that way?
Not me! Raid Finder is the best addition to the game in years in my
opinion. Yes, it's easymode (and needs to be, going off the groups
I've seen; most fights you start with 1-2 people dead/afk, and getting
them all to understand simple stuff like "press the button when Hour
of Twilight casts" is impossible...), but it makes all that design
work accessible to anyone who wishes to experience it. The "proper"
raids get all the prestige; the titles, the legendaries, the mounts,
the better loot, and more challenging fights (which I'm sure are more
fun, when in a group capable of them), but allowing everyone the
opportunity to see endgame bosses and content is great, and I think
done as fairly as possible, by having a watered down version with much
less prestige for the "easymode" runs, and reserving the extras which
shout "hey I'm a "proper" raider" for the normal and heroic modes.
I for one am delighted to have, for the first time ever, seen an
expansion's final boss! I've raided before; did Karazhan/ZA regularly
in TBC and Naxx/Sarth/Malygos in WotLK (that guild broke up 1 week
before Ulduar patch, but I'd burned out by then so wasn't sorry - I
just can't sustain longterm raiding), but never reached the end raids
in expansions. All the lore stuff about Kael'Thas and Illidan? I've
only seen Kael in MgT (and in a failed TK duoing attempt at 85;
couldn't get him down even then), and never seen Illidan at all. Two
huge lore characters, unavailable to those who don't commit to large
groups. Arthas? Nope, seen him all over Northrend but not seen any of
the end of the story (although at least the cinematic being ingame was
something). C'thun? Well I'll see him one day but can't get past Twins
duo so need a bigger pug group. Kil'jaeden? Again, never seen him.
I *love* the lore of the game, love great storylines, love interesting
boss mechanics and great scenery. I don't like being forced to commit
to a schedule of raiding with a bunch of people I don't even like, to
have a chance of beating my head off a brick wall for weeks on end so
as to maybe get to see some of that lore, scenery, etc. I don't see
that it's a bad thing to allow folk like me the chance to see a
watered-down version of it, when you "proper" raiders get all the
prestige stuff anyay; it just means that more customers get to see the
best parts of the game, which is surely a good thing all round.
Sagart (85 Undead Priest) Tairbh (85 Tauren Druid)
Buinne (85 Troll Shaman) Eilnich (85 Blood Elf Warlock)
Ruire (85 Blood Elf Paladin) Balgair (81 Human Rogue)
Dubh (80 Orc Death Knight) Rosad (73 Human Warlock)