Catriona R
11/14/2011 10:49:00 AM
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 10:07:15 +0000,
(Trooper) wrote:
>Not a huge amount to report.
>My Undead Warrior hit L32 over the weekend, I ran through SilverPine and
>Hillsbrad and loved them :D
They are probably my favourite zones in the game for questing and
storytelling, love them :-D
>Bit weird have group quests I can't solo though, not used to that as the
>last character I levelled through questing was my hunter. The elite
>Yeti destroyed my warrior :)
Hehe yeah, Hillsbrad is the only low lvl zone I can think of with
quests like that, I can tell you the yeti owned my hunter as well :-P
I went back at about lvl 30 and cleared all the elite quests out then,
couldn't do it in the 20s!
>Moved over to Desolace at L30, that place has certainly changed too!
>Tried to start the jewelcrafting grind, got to about 70 points and gave
>up, i'll wait till i'm L85 before doing that I think. I'll just stick
>with the mining and keep hold of my materials for now.
Hehe, it's kinda worth skilling up with whatever you've got to hand,
since being able to craft your own rings and stuff can be a bonus
while levelling. And access to suitable gems that don't cost a fortune
is great through Outland (Northrend and Cata gear doesn't have sockets
in levelling gear but Outland does!)
>Other than that, not much happened.
>What about you guys?
Been very busy this week actually, my bf had a week off work and got
himself into a WoW mood for a change, so we've been doing tons of
stuff together, particularly old raids:
Molten Core, got the last blood I eeded for Sulfuras and crafted it,
yay! Still don't have my druid's shoulders but oh well, still need
another 7 runs to exalted anyway... :-P
Tempest Keep, was really just a trash run to try and get my warlock's
transmog shoulders, but no luck, oh well. Took out Void Reaver while
we were there, very easy fight with no healer in the group, and 250
gold split between three characters is nice cash!
Mount Hyjal, full clear, and for the first time we didn't wipe on
Archimonde before getting our tactics right, learned with practice ;-)
Not much in the way of drops but only two clears away from exalted :-D
Black Temple! First time we'd seen the place, and had some fun duoing
as far as we could. Bf was complaining that boss mechanics meant I got
the easy job every time being the tank while he had to do loads lol,
nice and relaxing for me anyway ;-) First 5 bosses are all relatively
easy, some of them required some healing, others were fine without,
but since we both had two characters along we both had the option to
tab to a priest and cast heals where needed anyway. Reliquary of Souls
however... no way. Not happening. Even when my bf switched his shaman
in we still didn't have enough interrupts since just one missed was us
screwed really. May give it a try in a pug sometime since I'd love to
see the rest of the place, druid T6 is the only set that I really like
for druids as well.
Sunwell... thought we were being optimistic trying this place and
wasn't wrong :-P Trash is ok, if you nuke the Sunblade Slayers fast
(they do dmg based on a % of your max health, ouch!), and can nuke
down the Dawn Priests before the heal themselves straight back up
again (seriously annoying mobs!), but yeah, it's managable. Kalecgos
was hard work, possible enough but a lot of healing needed plus
careful management to not bring the dragon down too fast while the
demon was high health - I just left my bear on auto attack on the
dragon in the end and played my priest most of that fight healing
whoever I was in the same phase as, worked in the end! Brutallus...
omg. Ouch! Seriously I'd have expected that level of damage from a lvl
80 raidboss, not a 70 one. Not a chance and we didn't bother trying
again lol, we started out with a hunter pet tanking since I'd read
that's actually a better option damagewise (they don't get hit by one
of the boss abilities) but couldn't keep it up, and my druid took
over, getting hit for 90k+ is a bit insane lol. Definitely requires a
much larger group.
Outside of raids, ran some 5-mans as commented elsewhere, and also
been doing a lot of dailies: shaman now has the Tol Barad mace (about
time!), druid has opened up both sets of Molten Front dailies and is
working on vendors atm. This meant I could finally complete that
flamewakers achievement that requires you to be in a group, and once I
got that on my priest I went out and got the others I'd been slow on,
so Molten Front completed for him :-) Although I still don't have the
pet so guess I have to keep trying there.
Also been running a few lowbie zones for quest achievements on my
priest, cleared Silverpine, Hillsbrad and Arathi. Had a problem when
one of the Hillsbrad chains bugged; for some people Kingslayer Orkus
won't spawn when you reach the island, and I'm one of them :-( Luckily
there are *just* enough quests in the rest of the zone that you can
still complete the achievement but a shame to lose the end of that
chain, it's a good one! Arathi was something of a nuisance due to my
completism meaning I wanted to do the pirate quests... but I'm trying
to juggle high rep with both Steamwheedle and Bloodsail Buccaneers,
and attempting to maximise possible for both. Meaning that, since I
was already exalted with all goblin towns, I want to kill some
bruisers and increase my Bloodsail rep (and correspondingly decrease
goblin rep) before handing in goblin quests, so I at least get the
maximum of potential rep (no point handing in while max exalted, I'll
want that rep later when I'm working on Bloodsail again). Oh and every
bruiser has 500k health and hits like a flippin' truck - I have to
dualbox my druid and priest together to get *one* down, and the druid
does actually need heals, unless I blow all his cds. Crazy stuff,
sometimes wish I was less completist, since I can tell questing
through the two Stranglethorn zones will be a nightmare if I have to
go and whack a bunch of bruisers every other quest.... :-P
This week's plans: make the most of bf's current enthusiam and run
more 5-mans and old raids together ;-) There's a whole heap of stuff I
want from justice points when 4.3 hits, so will get into the habit of
running at least normals, and see how heroics go as well. And bf wants
some drops from Hyjal for his transmog set so I may actually be able
to get him to run it again so I get some rep, thank goodness, I've
been trying to get him to do it for ages! I get over 8k per run so
only 2 weeks from exalted, if he lasts that long... we'll see :-P
Sagart (85 Undead Priest)
Tairbh (85 Tauren Druid)
Buinne (85 Troll Shaman)
Eilnich (85 Blood Elf Warlock)
Ruire (83 Blood Elf Paladin)
Balgair (80 Human Rogue)