Catriona R
2/15/2011 12:16:00 PM
On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 11:26:57 +0100 (CET), Lancelet
<lancelet.nospam@merci.invalid> wrote:
>Catriona R <> wrote in news:8rt1fiF7qvU1
>> On Mon, 14 Feb 2011 07:05:54 -0800 (PST), neithskye
>> <> wrote:
>>>In a quest place in Uldum, there is a dragon that flies around, and
>>>after you finish the quest series he drops to 750,000 health or so
>>>and, when killed, drops a quest item that rewards you with three rare
>>>gems. I read on Wowhead that soloing the dragon was "pretty easy", so
>>>I gave it a try. Yeah. Maybe "pretty easy" if you can kite. Anyway, I
>>>ended the fight with about 90% health and 80% mana. Recount told me
>>>that the dragon had done 2,500,000 damage to me. No, that is not a
>>>As I like to say - Holy Paladin: Go ahead. Try and die. :-)
>After reading this post (I may have stopped at the wowhead comment), I...
>> Omg. I tried that dragon on my bear, thinking "hey, bears are awesome,
>> should be easy enough"...
>... did the same yesterday.
>I lived, but only because I ran away. And went back to my Tol'vir tomb
Thankfully that dragon has a fairly short leash so running away *does*
work :-) Doesn't make him dead, but at least saved me 2 deaths from
>By the way, I don't know if it's related, but I'm working on Tyrande's
>favorite doll, my 20th rare archeology item, and I never had so many
>Tol'vir digsites.
>So... if you are working on a rare item, do digsites related to this item
>become more rare ?
It's probably more because 7 new Tol'vir digsites were added this
patch, thus increasing the chances of one spawning for you. Nice one
on the 20 rares btw, I'm on 16 atm and cannot get a single one of the
lvl 85 ones to proc - I'd love either the trinket you're working on,
or any of the Tol'vir ones, but zero luck (I'm sure when one finally
does proc it'll be Zin'rokh... because my dk and warrior are on my
other account :-P). As usual - anything involving a heavy luck factor
is pretty much guaranteed to not happen for me!
Sagart (85 Undead Priest)
Tairbh (85 Tauren Druid)
Balgair (80 Human Rogue)
Buinne (80 Troll Shaman)
Ruire (80 Blood Elf Paladin)