1/18/2011 1:35:00 PM
On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 13:20:47 GMT, (Ashen
Shugar) wrote:
>I think it was Steve Kaye <> that wrote
>something like...
>>On 18/01/2011 02:38, ASKF wrote:
>>> EvanMac ytrede sig i<> med
>>> dette:
>>>> I read somewhere over the internet that once shamans can tank (I think
>>>> that was vanilla, before paladins came into the horde), now shamans can
>>>> heal (best raid healer I saw, imho), and can succesfully dps (melee or
>>>> caster depends from spec), but...
>>>> I was thinking: with barely resetting among plate and mail mitigation,
>>>> and with some litlle change in enancement tree, maybe shaman will come
>>>> back to tanking?
>>> Shamans have never really been able to tank.
>>> They could off-tank a bit in vanilla 5 and 10 instances, but only at few
>>> encounters. For raids they were only allowed a spot as healer.
>>> The use of Rockbiter Weapon and Earth Shock (both generating extra
>>> threat), was barely enough to hold aggro off a healer, so it was common
>>> for Shaman off-tanks to self-heal, and just keep the mob occupied till
>>> the group was ready to deal with it.
>>It was viable for them to main tank in lower level Vanilla instances.
>>I've healed for a Shaman tank in ZF for example and she coped well.
>When exactly was that though? With the changes to talents tree's and
>item stats and such, it's seemed to me that characters of a given
>level are stronger than they were 2 or 3 expansions ago.
It was late in vanilla.
>Leveling an alt during Wrath, I was in a couple of Mara and a ST run
>where a Boomkin was tanking in Boomkin form. Granted I couldn't say
>whether or not that might have been possible during vanilla but my
>feeling is not. At least not unless everyone was over-leveling the
>instance by a bit.
How do you tank in Boomkin form? Ok, you've got the armour but how do
you maintain threat on the primary target? I can see it working for
the second, third to kill etc if you aoe because you'll have a threat
lead by the time the DPS get to them. I just don't see how they can
keep control of the first mob to die in a pack. To do that
effectively they'd have to do more DPS than the best of the DPS whilst
doing enough aoe to keep the other mobs off the healer.
>Though I do recall a shadow lab's run in the room just before the "Fun
>Time" boss where a Shaman was able to finish off tanking a pull after
>the tank had gone down with 2 or 3 mobs left.
:) Shadow Labs was one of my favourite instances in TBC*. I really
liked Steamvault too.
* Despite my healer getting ganked by the stealthed assassins in the
fun time boss's room more than once.
Ravenholdt-EU (Horde)
Jelan, 85 Priest Jengu, 81 Death Knight Belugar, 76 Warrior
Kibbs, 83 Paladin Clokk, 81 Druid Mingan, 74 Shaman
Miho, 82 Rogue Jaille, 80 Warlock Yopp, 64 Hunter