S U N risr
1/5/2011 8:27:00 PM
Mark (newsgroups) wrote:
> On 05/01/2011 15:45, IYM wrote:
>> John Gordon wrote:
>>> In <ig1qpo$7qj$1@news.eternal-september.org> "Mark (newsgroups)"
>>> <marknewsgroups@yahoo.com> writes:
>>>> so I leave, thinking that as I selected "NO" previously it would be ok.
>>>> No suck luck, I now have the random dungeon cooldown. Grrrrrrr, what is
>>>> up with that?
>>> Cooldown, or deserter debuff?
>>> If you meant the debuff, well, that's what's supposed to happen. You
>>> left
>>> the dungeon early. (Granted it was hardly your fault.)
>>> If you meant cooldown, again, that's how it's supposed to work. Once you
>>> queue into a random dungeon you're not supposed to be able to queue up
>>> for another for a little while, to prevent groups from immediately
>>> queueing
>>> again when they get an unfavorable random dungeon.
>>> I've never heard that declining to look for replacement members will
>>> avoid
>>> the cooldown.
>> I don't think he would have gotten the deserter buff - Only the first
>> person leaving a party will get the deserter buff, and he was hardly the
>> first person.
>> Now the cooldown - yes. Seeing how fast his two groups fell apart, I can
>> see getting the cooldown.
> Right, I understand now. My previous understanding was that by declining
> to continue with the dungeon I would not receive the deserter or random
> dungeon cooldown.
Correct - The Random Cooldown doesn't care for whatever reason you left
the instance, or if completed the instance in 10 minutes...You start
ticking from the time you enter the dungeon the first time, and it's
your personal cooldown. If a tank leaves before the final boss and you
get a replacement, when you down that boss your cooldown is more than
likely over and can que up again right away, while that tank who just
came in will not be able to que up until his cooldown is over. The
previous tank, if he was the first to leave party would not have a
cooldown any longer, but he would have the deserter buff, which would
prevent him from queing up. This has been my understanding on the
workings of the two...