The Lasombra
3/20/2011 9:06:00 PM
Would this help newer players in your playgroup expand their
collections and decks into sects that they haven't played in before?
The KICKSTARTER concept:
A selection of playable vampires along with all the commons that fit
them. Not every common from the sets mentioned would be included, for
example, the cards requiring Bloodlines disciplines would be skipped
in all of the non-Bloodlines kickstarters. Similarly, cards for the
Independent disciplines would be skipped in
Camarilla/Sabbat/Bloodlines kickstarters. Each kickstarter would also
have dedicated pool/blood gain cards that might not specifically come
from the stated sets. Specifically, there will be 10 Blood Dolls, 10
Minion Taps, and 5 Lilith's Blessing in each kickstarter. An
assortment of promo cards will also be included in each kickstarter.
Anarchs Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff] 2x Anarchs Gangs starter deck
1x Anarchs & Alastors Tournament Kit
up to 10 of each common from Keepers of Tradition (over 700 total)
up to 10 of each common from Anarchs (over 260)
up to 10 of each common from Twilight Rebellion (over 170)
up to 10 of each common from KMW, LotN, Gehenna (over 260)
5x uncommons from Camarilla Edition, Third Edition (over 140)
3x Fee Stakes promos + Infamous Insurgent (12 cards)
and either
2x Blood Shadowed Court starters (2x100 vampires)
2x 10th Anniversary vampires (2x136 vampires)
Bloodlines Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff]3x bloodline clan vampires from Legacies of
Blood / Heirs to the Blood
(not all vampires are guaranteed to appear, groups 4-5-6)
up to 10 of each common from Bloodlines
up to 10 of each common from Legacies of Blood
up to 10 of each common from Heirs to the Blood
up to 10 of each common from Third Edition ?
up to 5 of each uncommon from Third Edition ?[/color]
Camarilla Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff]1x of each Keepers of Tradition Starter (4 decks)
2x Blood Shadowed Court starters (2x100 vampires)
up to 10 of each common from Keepers of Tradition (over 700 total)
up to 10 of each common from Gehenna (~300)
5x uncommons from Camarilla Edition (over 260)[/color]
Independent Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff]1x of each Lords of the Night starter (4 decks)
2x of each Independent vampire,(95x2=190)
up to 10 of each common from Lords of the Night (over 460)
up to 10 of each starter only card from Lords of the Night (over
up to 10 of each common from Kindred Most Wanted (over 500)
up to 10 of each common from Gehenna (over 350)
up to 5 of each uncommon from Camarilla Edition/Third Edition/LoTN
(over 140)[/color]
Laibon Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff]1x of each Legacies of Blood starter (4 decks)
2x of Laibon clan vampires from Legacies of Blood and Ebony
(not all vampires are guaranteed to appear)
up to 10 of each common from Legacies of Blood
up to 10 of each common from Ebony Kingdom
5x uncommons from Camarilla Edition[/color]
Sabbat Kickstarter:
[color=#0044ff]1x of each Third Edition starter (4 decks)
2x of each Sabbat vampire, group 3-4 (194x2=388)
up to 10 of each common from Third Edition (over 600 total)
up to 10 of each common from Black Hand, Sword of Caine (over 500)
up to 10 of each common from Gehenna (over 300)
up to 5 of each uncommon from Third Edition (over 330)[/color]
The Laibon and Bloodlines KICKSTARTERs have not been assembled yet.
The others have been assembled and will be on e-bay later this