9/28/2010 1:18:00 PM
On Sep 28, 2:02 pm, svensven <> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Being newly returned to play, I notice many MANY decklists contain
> copies of these two cards. I can kinda see their value but not
> entirely so can anyone enlighten me on the reason why these cards have
> a sort of universal value, even in small numbers?
I'll start with Carlton: for 2 pool, you get a blocker that can't be
seduced, has 1 intercept naturally, deals with agg damage as normal,
and has a chance to survive any combat due to his inherent dodge. On
top of that he has a special that seriously limits the likelihood of
getting away with diablerie. Decks include him as a cheap chump
On the flip side, some decks (that rely on the things he limits -
diablerie, seduction etc) include him just to contest him.
For his pool cost, he's well worth the investment.
The anarch convert is similarly useful as: a) a cheap and
*unblockable* method of going anarch b) a crypt thinner if you don't
care about anarch status or titles, but need to ensure you get a
specific vamp, or to ensure you don't draw too many of an individual
vamp c) he's group ANY, so fits in any crypt d) he's 1 cap with no
real downsides other than a lack of disciplines. He gets away with a
lot simply because he's annoying, but not annoying enough to devote
resources to killing.