Craig Hartman
6/29/2010 7:24:00 PM
I'm going to 2nd Mr. Flournoy.
I live about an hour away from Columbus. Every wednesday, I have a
regular game night that will seat between 5-12 players for 8+ hours of
vtes. This costs me a few drops of gas, roughly 10-20 dollars
depending on what food and alcohol I buy for the night, and the
commitment of my day off. We laugh, have a good day, get some really
good vtes games in, and talk card tech, generally wind up doing
trades, and deck building.
Origins for me includes organizing and making the convoy on time.
Spending 40+ dollars to play on thursday or friday (80 bucks for the
week). Requesting time off work (I'm making up my time off from
origins this year by working 40 hours in three days this week) or
spending vacation days. Getting shafted for food at anywhere in
columbus. Getting shafted on two or three beers that I hope to enjoy
with my fellow vtes players whilst trading game stories and laughs.
And then when the convoy leaves for home, getting back to my car in
newark around midnight, getting back to my home around 1am, and having
to be up at 7am to make the next convoy to origins, or drive myself up
and waste fuel.
Origins holds very few peripheal benefits for me to justify spending
the money on Hotel, Spending my vacation time on an event I only goto
to throw cardboard at, Getting gouged on sustenance and alcohol,
paying to park, paying for gas, paying my entry fees into the
tournaments, and wearing myself down, catching whatever particular
brand of Convention AIDs some basement dwelling mouth breather has
unearthed due to lack of bathing ability, and either A.) Losing money
to attend due to having to give my work hours up, or B.) Killing
myself later in the week to play catch-up for my time missed.
Eff That. Sorry if I come off as "whiney" towards Origins, but the
cost just outweighs the benefits for me. If they had some manner of
"Pay 40 bucks, play in all the events but the draft, and go home"
ribbon, It'd certainly be a different story.
With the exception of the free wednesday pre-origins tournament, I
will not likely be joining you guys next year. If people got
interested in the Ohio Week Of Nightmares thing, I'd be all into
that, and more than willing to offer up use of my communal haven for
my fellow players.
-Craig Hartman