1/20/2006 2:12:00 PM
Looks to me like Mr. Edwards has all his ducks in a row. I particularly
like the promise that buyers of his software guitar course will get
"An advanced guitar learning technique, developed by
a university psychologist, for training your fingers to
automatically remember all the chord shapes, in 1/3
the time! And, you'll learn all about how your brain pro-
cesses information, and how to maximize your guitar
practice time... (nine out of ten people are absolutely
floored by this secret!)
Notice how he's got things pinned down to the point where he
can say you'll learn something in 1/3 the time--not 1/2 or 1/4,
but precisely 1/3. This suggests that much careful research and
development went into his guitar course, not surprising for some-
thing drawing on the skills of a university psychologist. And the
fact that he knows nine out of ten people are floored by this
technique can only be the result of excellent followup contact
with those who buy the software.
For $239.95 (plus $6.95 shipping & handling), how can you go
wrong? After all, if you want to avoid paying for a guitar teacher,
it makes sense to buy software from a guitar teacher.
Tom Poore
Cleveland Heights, OH