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10/10/2015 9:06:00 PM


The weight and position of the Jew in Western Civilization increased
out of all knowledge and yet without shock, and almost
without attracting attention. They entered the Parliaments everywhere,
the English Peerage as well, and the Universities in very
large numbers. A Jew became Prime Minister of Great Britain, another
a principal leader of the Italian insurrection; another led the
opposition to Napoleon III. They were present in increasing numbers
in the chief institutions of every country. (47)

Within the same period, the Papal States were broken up, and the
Pope confined to the Vatican. "Within a few years Rome was to see a
Jewish Mayor who supported with all his might the unchristianizing of
the city and especially of its educational system" (48). Jews like
Paul Reuter began to take the lead in international news transmission
and became owners, editors, and journalists of many European

The perennial friction between Jews and non-Jews had increased to
intolerable levels. The first writings on the increasing friction-what
would today be called "hate speech"-emerged in Germany and France
in the 1870s. In 1879 the famous and respected German historian
Heinrich von Treitschke complained publicly about "the unjust
influence of the Jews in the press," but was shouted down as an
anti-Semite. Belloc states that men like Treitschke had their writings
denounced as "the extravagancies of fanatics" (49). But, argues
Belloc, "fanatics" like Treitschke frustrated their opponents "by the
quotation of an immense quantity of facts which could not but remain
in the mind" (49). The object of many of these early writers was to
expose "crypto-Judaism," and the conscious secrecy which lay behind
Jewish networking in Europe's Joyce, "Reflections on Hilaire Belloc's
The Jews" 107 corridors of power.

Such work was necessary given the increasing number of international
Jewish financial scandals. These included a war between the British
and the Boers in South Africa in 1899-a conflict Belloc argues was
"openly and undeniably provoked and promoted by Jewish interests"
(50). Jewish politicians in France and Britain were also exposed by
brave writers as participating in large-scale fraud in conjunction
with their cousins in finance:

The Panama scandals in the French Parliament had already fed the
movement in France. The later Parliamentary scandals in England,
Marconi and the rest, afforded so astonishing a parallel to Panama
that the similarity was of universal comment.

Then, on top of the rise to power of those Jews already settled in the
West, the great Eastern reservoir of the Jewish race was opened up in
the 1880s, and the borders of the Western states were pried open with
fabricated tales of pogroms and persecution.5 By the time Westerners
became attuned to the fact that those "ignorant Slavs" might have had
good reason to resent the "poor innocent victims" now calling for
revolution on the streets of New York and London, their mouths had
been muzzled. Belloc writes that "The Jews were in every place of

they taught in the Universities of all Europe; they were everywhere in
the Press; everywhere in finance. They were continually to be found in
the highest places of Government and in the chanceries of Christendom
they had acquired a dominant power which none could question" (53).
Following this was the Russian catastrophe, which was motivated by the
Jewish communists' "sincere hatred of national feeling, save, of
course, where the Jewish nation was concerned"

www.tomatobubble.com www.ihr.org http://nationalva...

1 Answer


1/2/2009 6:51:00 AM


On Jan 2, 12:33 am, Don Ocean <oc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> David Johnston wrote:
> > On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:17:08 +0100, Anonymous Remailer <m...@awxcnx.de>
> > wrote:
> >> To be fair, the Mayan Calendar is the oldest extant prophecy dating  ` ``  
> >> the end of the world thus is in perfect agreement with all biblical  ` `  
> >> and extra-biblical prophecies. Igor Panarin made no claim to divine  ` ``  
> >> inspiration (although it seems he was, if perhaps unwittingly), but  ` ``  
> >> his renowned expertise in world affairs led him to predict that the  ` ``  `
> >> moral bankruptcy and economic collapse of America would lead to her  ` ``  
> >> demise, and fragment the former superpower into six separate pieces  ` ``  
> >> by the year 2010--a prediction which Panarin made in September 1998.  `
> > Since the United States is not going to disintigrate in the next two
> > years, I'm inclined to take Panarin with a grain of salt.
> Actually the bible ad others have predicted the world demise thousands
> of year earlier. Real bible scholars predicted the end of the earth 400
> years before the birth of Christ. Must be a little bit of an error
> factor there? The real end of the earth is a private matter with each
> individual. When you die..that is your end of the earth.

I am inclined to believe there is a lot of truth to the last two