Usa Forum
White House Memo and its effect
4/17/2016 12:19:00 AM
"White House Memo" Drives a Stake into the Heart of White House Lies
Bob Fertik writes, "Something remarkable happened Monday: the Corporate
Media finally got sick of Bush's endless lies about Iraq, and started to
tell the truth. The immediate cause was a front-page New York Times story
about the "White House Memo," which proved Bush was determined to invade
Iraq no matter what. Now we have reached a turning point in our "long
march" for Truth. Everyone in the world knows in their heart that Bush lied.
Soon everyone will say it out loud: Bush Lied. When millions of Americans
say those two simple words - and the media finally joins us - Bush's reign
of fear will come to a crashing halt. Let's make that happen now."
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