Usa Forum
media ban in terrorist trial
Roedy Green
6/12/2006 7:54:00 PM
The prosecution has successfully argued for a publication ban on the
trial the suspected Canadian terrorists.
Publication bans are common in high profile Canadian court cases, but
usually it is the defense that requests it.
The accused have at least two reasons to want an open court:
1. to avoid being railroaded. If that happened, at least everyone
would know. Accused terrorists are being tortured and executed in the
USA in secret trials, without trials, or without even knowing the
evidence against them. The accused have good reason not to trust the
2. a chance to present their case against Canada's funding rape gangs
in the Afghanistan war.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green,
"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory."
~ W. Edwards Deming
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media ban in terrorist trial
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