Hajj Jafar
3/15/2008 8:08:00 PM
I am glad you read the federalist paper. Unfortunately you are wrong on all
account. The will of the American people? I hope you are not smoking weed.
Because if it's up to the American people, I would assume we will have
better health care system for the American people. I am not necessarily keen
on giving that artificial Zionist regime 15 billion dollars a year of our
tax money so every Jew can have better living condition. As far as this
American is concerned, you Jews can go to Hell. The American people? this is
the Joke of the century. If we control anything, we would get rid off the
IRS, the foreign aid and AIPAC and every Zionist influence in the White
Hajj Jafar
"Spaz" <yeah@right.com> wrote in message
> "Hajj Jafar" <Sjafar@smail.com> wrote in message
> news:_vRCj.9531$hP3.4201@trnddc02...
>> Your statement is purely an abstract. Did you mean to say the cronies is
>> the White House, senate and Congress that are elected through the
>> manipulation of the strong arm of the Zionist regime AIPAC, then I would
>> say you are right. But the average American citizen hate your guts.
>> Hajj Jafar
> In case you don't know, America has a government of the people, by the
> people, and for the people. When America gives aid to a foreign country,
> it does so because that is the will of the people of America. If
> Americans thought about Israel they way you dream they do, do you really
> think America would have given so much for so long, and continue to give
> more and more each year??? Uh, no, I don't think so.