Governor Swill
6/18/2016 1:50:00 PM
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 22:02:58 -0400, Mr. B1ack <>
>On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 11:39:12 -0400, Governor Swill
><> wrote:
>>On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 22:10:05 -0400, Mr. B1ack <>
>>>Five days now and the vampires from the major
>>>news networks are still bathing in the blood of
>>>the Pulse nightclub. Certain politicians too.
>>>Geez ... now they're even into the perps elementary
>>>school records. Didja know he sometimes used foul
>>>language and didn't always pay attention to his
>>>teachers like a good little drugged-out zombie student ?
>>>Seems like they're describing half the boys in America ...
>>>guess we've gotta lock 'em all up, maybe apply
>>>electric shocks eh ?
>>They're gonna be all over this guy's past. The FBI will interview
>>anybody who knew him, the CIA shrinks will analyze every bit of data.
>>They'll add it to some profile database somewhere and because a
>>terrified populace demands it, someday they'll be able to use such
>>information to deprive high risk nutcases of their rights because of
>>crimes they *might* commit. Because if they don't the populace will
>>blame the politicians for not protecting them.
> The "doing something" trick ... government loves that one.
> Thing is there wasn't much about this perps life that was
> any different from umpteen million other guys. He wasn't
> "predictable", there weren't any clear connections between
> points ... in short he didn't stand out enough from the crowd
> until the very last minute to say "Yes, he's GONNA kill a
> bunch of people for Allah". The next perp will be likewise
> obscure and murky.
The clues are there and they stand out. He was a bully, subject to
rages and a disciplinary problem his whole life, even into adulthood.
The thing is, there *are* millions of people like that and nobody has
the resources to keep them under tight surveillance their whole lives
just in case one of them does something.
> So govt can't REALLY "do something", but they HAVE to
> PRETEND they can.
Then why vote at all? Why support this candidate over that one if
they're all powerless and it's just a stupid game?
>>>IMHO, what the newsies and pols are doing is, in its
>>>own way, just as disgusting as the actual attack. They
>>>intend to squeeze this until the very last drop of blood.
>>>Omar now HAS achieved the martyrs glory he sought,
>>>which will just encourage the NEXT guys ... which will
>>>make even MORE money for the newsies.
>>His wife will probably spend a lot of time in prison if it's true she
>>knew his plans.
> She'll just say she was terrified of him, or maybe claim
> Stockholm Syndrome or something ... and get off pretty
> easy.
>>>Time to do what I'm now doing ... TURN THEM OFF.
>>>There's nothing more to be said about it, no grand
>>>revelations of any relevance. After 24 hours I don't
>>>even trust new "facts" presented because those
>>>can be manipulated by cops and politicians. When
>>>I see one of these explotitative stories come up
>>>now I switch to the Weather Channel or something.
>>After two days of saturation coverage, I check the web for any "news"
>>but aside from that, there's no point. It's early in the
> The first 24 hours is important. This is when the raw
> facts come out in no special order and what you're
> getting is *reporting*. Beyond 24 hours and the reports
> become a "story", a "theme" is agreed upon, facts
> begin to get "filtered" to support the "theme". It's also
> enough time for important entities to hide evidence,
> pressure newsies, pay/threaten witnesses or even
> fabricate audio and video.
Let's work up a list of the rights the Federal govt has abridged,
threatened to abridge or suggested should be abridged in the name of
keeping us safe. So far we have:
The 1st, 4th, 5th, and now the 2nd. How many others?
S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.